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Welcome to Glory Talks!

Hey you guys! You've probably already peeped my "About" tab, but if you haven't, my name is Elizabeth Winder. I am 22 years old and a recent graduate of the University of Southern Mississippi where I studied recreation: emphasis in therapeutic recreation. I'm from Ridgeland, MS, home of the Titans, the Renaissance, the Chevron station that has the best sausage biscuit, the Rez, the Northpark Mall where you will find countless groups of pre-teens and teenagers roaming around, and multiple bike trails. This is the place that I have called home all of my life, where I made friendships, lost friendships, experienced true love for the first time, met heartbreak soon after, had laughs, fussed, cried, and the list goes on. My story, and I hope to share with you soon, has many twists and turns. There were obstacles that I faced, issues that I had to resolve, dark moments where I felt alone, I was empty. And no matter what I tried to fill that void with, I always was unhappy. Thought that a person like me didn't deserve happiness, but I was wrong. I deserved so much and thank God God interveened, gave me new hope, new life, happiness, and healing.

I say all that to explain my reason why I started this blog in the first place, that I wanted to show people that no matter how hard life can be there is hope. There is healing. There is purpose. God hasn't forgotten about you, if anything He's been with you through it all. And you know what the amazing part about it is? In His eyes, you're still worthy. So don't give up my friend, we'll talk soon.

Continue to exude love and light,

EVW <3

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