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The Deep End

Hey Glories! I hope this blog post finds you well, and if not, honey let's get well. I know it’s been a while since we’ve chatted, but I’m endeavoring to change that this year. I know in my last blog post; I was telling you all how I was still trying to find myself. With all the good and bad that 2020 and 2021 offered, I was still figuring out who I am and what I want out of this amazing thing we call life. And realizing that it was okay to not have everything pinpointed but to experience and grow to find my way. Realizing that I am steadily evolving, caused me to ponder how deep am I willing to go to continue the evolution of me?

The idea of “going deeper” with my life started at the end of 2019. After having my “road to Damascus” moment (Acts 9:1-19), I realized that I couldn’t continue to live my life the same way. From then on, I endeavored to do things differently but then I realized that in me doing so I was going to have to change. A lot of times we want better for our lives, but to live better we must do better. And in choosing to do better, there are some things within ourselves that we must be open to doing differently. And for me, change hasn’t always been the easiest thing to do. In the beginning, I’m excited about a new change. I immediately start doing all that I need to do. But after the excitement wears off and the reality sets in, I’m looking around like, “Is this something that I’m really willing to do?”. That even though I knew the changes that I was making were for the better, I hadn’t realized that it would require more out of me. If I wanted to grow in my relationship with God, I would have to get up earlier in the mornings to spend time with Him. If I wanted to expand my community, I would have to put myself in situations that require me to be social. If I wanted to have a successful relationship, I was going to have to set aside my pride and ego for the greater good. That whenever I chose to go to the “deep end” in an area in my life, it will always require more out of me. And that there may be days that I mess up or don’t exactly do things right, but I don’t allow that to stop me from going deeper in my healing, maturity, or growth. That if anything, whatever setback I may face should cause me to go even deeper and push even harder towards the things that I want. But in doing so, it does mean that some people may not come to the “deep end” with me.

In whatever journey we’re on in life, we want the people that are closest to us to be a part of it. Through the good and the bad, it's comforting to know that the people around you are there especially when you are journeying out into “the deep”. Unfortunately, not everyone is going to the "deep end” with us. Just like I have my journey to go on, I know that the people closest to me have their journeys too. And with each of us having our journey to go on, it doesn’t always necessarily mean that they will always be there to accompany me on mine. We all have different things God wants to reveal to us, whether it’s about ourselves, our loved ones, or our future. And sometimes separation has to occur for all to be revealed, it doesn’t mean the people around you are bad it just means that there may be something that you wouldn’t have seen if you were still close to them that you recognize now that you’re apart. And in some cases that separation can be permanent, while in other cases it’s temporary. Regardless of whether you have everyone in your corner or not, there is one person that will always be by your side and that’s God.

In the latter part of Hebrews 13:5, it states, “For God has said, ‘I will never fail you. I will never abandon you.’”. That in every phase of life that we find ourselves in, God is there. We may not have seen that job ending, that business deal failing, or that relationship having a setback, but God did. He knows our beginning and ending, He’s seen every outcome, every heartbreak, every disappointment, and at each one He has made provision for us to get out and heal from it. And through our healing and trusting in Him, we can go out into the “deep end” knowing that He has us. Now I know that the whole trust thing is more than just a notion, but there are good things that come along with that trust. Don’t believe me? Well here’s some scripture to prove it: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not to your own understanding; In all of your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6, “For I know the thoughts that I think towards you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope.” Jeremiah 29:11, “And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to His purpose for them.” Romans 8:28. That throughout all of these scriptures it shows that no matter what our “deep end” may look like, no matter what we go through, we can always trust in God. And by trusting Him, He will be able to lead us to something even better than we had originally imagined. So whatever you may be facing right now, whatever may seem like a large obstacle, or things seem like they’re too damaged to ever be healed and repaired, or that you’re endeavoring to go deeper in your walk with Christ just know that God is there. He’s there to help you, His Holy Spirit is there to guide you, and His Son is there to walk beside you every step of the way. So keep the faith, you have the strength and power to get through whatever you’re facing, continue to contend in your “deep end”, and be rest assured that you will come out on the other side better and stronger. Stay encouraged and I’ll see y’all out in the “deep end”.

Continue to exude love and light,

E.V.W <3

This blog was inspired by a message/message series by Micheal Todd entitled "Anchored: Welcome to The Deep".

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