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Starting Again

What’s up Glories?! I hope this blog post finds you well, and if not, honey let's get well! Back in January, I made a blog post about going deeper in certain areas and what that looked like. There were times when I had to look at certain things in my life and be willing to let them go, spend more time doing them, or put in extra work to achieve a new level in my life. There were times wherein doing those things, I felt alone but I'm glad that God remained with me. For this blog, I'm going back to my roots. I'm going back to poetry.

I haven't written new poetry since September 2021 and even then I felt like I lost the craft. Many of the pieces I wrote years prior were fueled by the dark places I was in. With my mental/emotional health being restored, I no longer wanted depression to be my muse. I struggled all of last year to write with depth and meaning. I truly believed that I had lost my ability to write until a few weeks ago. The Lord dropped something in my spirit that I had no choice but to write out.

This is part 1 of The Apologetics Series entitled The Apologetics - My Fault:

“I’m sorry I haven’t been kind to you. Haven’t given You the love and affection that I gave to other people or things, I’ve been selfish.

Caught up in my ways of thinking, knowing it needed some amending but too stuck in my ways to try. Yet ended every night in a cry, crying out to You. Wanting to hear You, even if it was a still, small voice.

But I still wasn’t ready to surrender. Still caught up in my own, felt like my judgment was better but Your way was clearer. One day I decided to trust You and take You at Your word.

May my life continue to be evidence of a lesson learned, surrender given, sacrifice made, and my soul forgiven. Almighty God. Almighty One. These are my apologetics.”

I hope this piece reminded you that you're never too far from God. That you can be honest with Him. That you can be open with Him. That you can place your faith and trust in Him. I love you guys.

Continue to exude love and light,

E.V.W <3

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