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Living in the "In-Between Spaces"

Hello, my Glories! I hope this blog post finds you well, and even if you’re not, honey let’s get well. So last month we talked about healing and how it is a steady process that we all have gone through/going through. I also went on to share my own healing journey and how I am in a better space because of it (including the good, the bad, and the awful that I endured getting here.). I hope that last month’s post allowed you to be okay with healing from the things that have hurt you in the past, allowing for you to see that it’s an ongoing journey, that you need to pace yourself, and to be appreciative of the accomplishments you make (whether they are big or small). This month, I wanted to talk about what I feel is, not only my current state, but many others during the times that we are in. Let’s talk about the “in-between spaces”.

So, I already know what you’re thinking, “Liz, what do you mean by the in-between spaces? Girl, what are you talking about?”. To me, the “in-between spaces” is the time that’s spent accomplishing a goal and trying to figure out what goal you can accomplish next. I know for me, I just graduated from Southern Miss in May, gained my certification in July, and now I’m trying to figure out do I desire to work as a CTRS or take some additional classes to qualify for graduate school. I am in my own “in-between space” where I’ve accomplished some goals and I am trying to figure out what’s next. You may feel the same way, you may be a recent graduate and with all that is going on in the world right now, you don’t know what you want to do next. Maybe you’ve been working in a particular area for a while and want to move on to something better or different, but you haven’t figured out how to get there. I’m here to tell you that being in an “in-between space” is okay! It’s okay not to be completely sure as to how you’re going to attain a specific goal or make a certain adjustment, it’s okay to not know all the details at first.

For me personally, accepting the “in-between spaces” has been a great adjustment. I love having a plan. If I know what a situation is going to entail, I’m all for it but if there is a great level of uncertainty then you can count me out. But since having graduated from college and being in the middle of a pandemic, I realize that my “plans” can easily be thrown out. That yes, we can stand by Habakkuk 2:2, “write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it.”. We can write our goals and dreams down and pursue what has been written, but sometimes God comes in and alters how you thought those things were supposed to go. And with Him altering my plans, I have found that it ends up being better than what I thought it would be. I know that this week, this month, even this year has not gone the way any of us thought. That we all have had to adjust to living in a pandemic, lost many notable icons in the entertainment/sports industry as well as loved ones, faced financial crisis, and just flat out don’t know what may be next. But I do know one thing: that God doesn’t take us through things that He hasn’t already equipped us for, that He has already provided provision for us. That the Lord has prepared us, whether we realize it or not, to get through it. According, to Isaiah 46:10, the Lord knows our “end from our beginning”, so He knew that all these things were going to happen in our lives but He’s also given us the people and the tools to get through it. To get through the “in-between spaces”, you have to learn to trust God and His plan. Now, I know that the phrase “trusting God” is easier said than done most times but I’m telling you that it is so worth it (trust me, this is coming from a person that had trust issues and still working through them). When I finally reached a point where worrying about my future became draining and I no longer had the capacity for overthinking, I finally gave it to God. Since then, I have been happier and more at peace with what is to come and what I am currently doing.

So be happy in the “in-between spaces”, be content in the now, and don’t worry about what may be coming next. Find comfort in the fact that God loves you and cares for you, He would never allow for you to go through something that He did not prepare you for. He will never take you through something by yourself, that He is always with you no matter what. Remember Psalms 121:1, “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help”, help is coming. A new day is coming. A blessing is coming. Believe it and own it. Find peace in the “in-between spaces”!

Exude love and light,

EVW <3

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