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Let it Sink

Hey Glories! I hope this blog post finds you well, and if not, honey let’s get well. I know it’s been over two months since my last blog. This summer has been busy, beautiful, frustrating, and everything in between. Year 24 started with a lot of purging, self-reflection, and patience that I truly was not expecting. But I’m glad it’s happening because it has allowed me to continue forward and push through. In this month’s blog, I wanted to talk about one of the things that have been big in me over this summer: letting go.

We’re all (or should be lol) familiar with the movie Frozen. One of the most famous songs from the movie is Let It Go, where the movie's protagonist/antagonist (depending on which way you look at it) Elsa decides to truly embrace herself regardless of what she was taught to do. And lately, Let It Go has seemed to be the anthem of the season I’m in right now. I have felt like I have no room to hold onto old habits, old situations, and old hurts, that I’ve held onto and attempted to continue fighting for. Especially when it seems like the time/season for those particular things to be in my life has passed. Even with opportunities that I’ve wanted and business plans that I’ve had that have fallen through time and time again, instead of forcing myself to “push through it” and “fight the good fight”, I feel like God is telling me to just let it go.

Letting go of things isn’t something that I’m great at. I’m used to running myself ragged (not really but for real lol) trying to make situations, relationships, and/or opportunities work simply because I didn’t want to let go despite it not being for me. I held onto old hurts and pain because I wanted to be the victim and the people that hurt me to be the “bad guys/gals”. But with holding on to so many things and people, I realized how heavy it all was and how much stress it was putting me under. So I had a decision to either: let it sink or me.

In maritime tradition, if a boat begins to sink the captain is supposed to stay on board to ensure the safety of all passengers and crew. It’s also looked at as a “noble” gesture if the captain goes down with his/her ship because they took honor and pride in their line of work. But when it comes to my past and old situations, those can stay on board but I’m getting off. I’m no longer ensuring the safety of unnecessary cargo at the expense of my peace, clarity, and well-being. Even though making that choice is hard, it’s necessary for my longevity in this thing called life.

Letting go of habits, relationships, situations, and pain/hurt is difficult. And if you’re a recovering people pleaser like me, you’ll want to choose everyone else comfortability over your own. But at some point, you have to be comfortable in letting it all go and watch it sink. And in doing that, have faith that things will get better and lighter. 1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxiety {concerns, worries, stresses} on Him because He cares for you.” meaning that all the things that may be overwhelming, give to the Lord. Allow for Him to handle it and watch how everything becomes greater and brighter. Let it go. Let it sink. Let God fix and mend everything.

Continue to exude love and light,

E.V.W <3

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